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The Cortez Journal

Kinder Morgan stock surges on buyout news

KMI buying other Kinder Morgan companies

Medicine Horse accepting registrations

The sixth annual Medicine Horse ‘Masters’ Gold fundraiser will be Saturday, Aug. 23. Registration will be at 8 a.m. with a Scramble Format/Shotgun start at 8:30 a.m. The tournamen...

Cowboy Gathering headlines Friday concert

Western music celebration to take place in main barn at 7 p.m.

Peeping Tom admits guilt

When arrested last month, a 40-year-old Peeping Tom was reportedly in possession of vodka and toilet paper. Ivan Doka pleaded guilty Tuesday to felony invasion of privacy for sexu...

Marijuana transaction fee discussed

The Mancos town board discussed setting the town’s flat transaction on recreational marijuana purchases at $2 in a meeting on July 9. The town board did not vote on the issue, but instruct...

Sports physicals to be offered at M-CHS

The Doctors from Southwest Internal Medicine will offer athletic physicals at Montezuma-Cortez High School from 5 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. on June 24. Students who plan to participate in an inte...

Cortez fishing clinic, derby nears

The Dolores River Anglers of Trout Unlimited and the Parks and Recreation Department of the City of Cortez will host their fifth annual fly fishing clinic and fishing derby on June 11 at Par...

Youth football camp open for registration

Dolores High School football coach Chris Trusler and Montezuma-Cortez High School football coach Casey Coulter will host a youth football camp, June 20-21. The camp will be open to players f...

Water tax district dissolves early

Goodman Point pays off $700,000 loan for water infrastructure

British soccer clinic offered

A free British Soccer Clinic will be offered at the micro fields at the corner of Mildred and Empire in Cortez on May 15. Players between the ages of 3 and 6 years will play from...

British soccer clinic offered

A free British Soccer Clinic will be offered at the micro fields at the corner of Mildred and Empire in on May 15. Players between the ages of 3-6 will play from 5 p.m. until 6 p...

Reser named sales consultant at Times

Jim Reser is the new senior multimedia sales consultant for The Cortez Journal, Dolores Star and Mancos Times. His job is to help businesses gain success through advertising in print and onl...